VPN Configuration

Ionity provides you with a secure VPN connection to manage and control your server.

This allows you to:

  • Power Cycle (On / Off / Recycle) your server
  • KVM over IP access to the console
  • Virutal media over iP to install or re-install your own operating system as needed

The first step is to obtain the proper Cisco VPN client software for your system.

Please make sure to select the correct operating system, and note the 32-Bit and 64-Bit version

Click Here to be directed to the VPN client software download page.


Once you have downloaded the VPN client and installed the software you will need to:


1) Click the New Icon

2) Enter in the Connection Entry: vpn.ionity.com

3) Enter in the Description: ionity.com VPN

4) Enter in the Host: vpn.ionity.com

5) Enter the Group Authenticaiton Name you received in the support ticket

6) Enter the Group Authenticaiton Confirm Password you received in the support ticket

7) Click Save


(Directions Continue Below This Image)

(the example shown below with Group001 is JUST AN EXAMPLE; you MUST use what was sent in the ticket)


Once you have clicked Save the window will close and you will be returned to the Cisco VPN Cleint.


You will need to make sure the vpn.ionity.com connection is selected and then click the Connect button.


Once the VPN connects it will prompt you for your Username and Password.  This is in your support ticket, and not the same as the Group Name and Password above.

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